Knockree Hostelling 2020 (Manannán)

Manannán News

The Manannán troop will be hiking from Marlay Park to Knockree Hostel on Saturday 7 March, and hiking back to Marlay Park on Sunday 8 March.


We will meet in the Grange Road car park (i.e. NOT the back car park) in Marlay Park at 1030hrs on Saturday morning. We expect to be back in the same car park by 1600hrs on Sunday afternoon.


Please click here for directions to Marlay Park’s Grange Road car park.

Gear List:

Medication if required – MUST be brought to attention of Section Leader

Packed lunch for Saturday hike

Rucksack (lined with black sacks to keep contents dry)

Manannán training top (if Scout has one) and neckerchief

Hiking boots

Adequate rain gear – top and bottoms (It’s Ireland…)

Water bottle (min. 1 litre)

Warm clothing (hat, gloves, scarf, fleece)

Adequate clothing for 1 night stay (spare trousers, boxers, socks, t-shirt, jumper)

Hi-vis jacket

Tea towel (for watch)

Wash gear, towel

Torch, whistle

Mobile phones ARE NOT PERMITTED on this trip.


The cost of this trip is €35. This can be paid in cash or by cheque (payable to  “GASOGA MARA 8”), and is due by the meeting on Friday 28 February.

Scouts should contact their Watch Leader with any questions.

Go raibh maith agaibh.

Commando Course 2020

Group News, Manannán News

This year’s commando course will take place in Lough Dan Scout centre on Saturday 8th of February. Lifts to and from the site will be organised by Watch Leaders with scouts aiming to be there by 1015am. Below can be found both a gear list and directions from the den to Lough Dan.

Gear list:


Old clothes – t-shirt, shorts/trousers, shoes (Please note that due to the nature of the commando course these clothes will get quite dirty and muddy)

Bin bag (For wet and muddy gear)


Complete change of clothes (Including underwear, socks, and shoes)

Manannán hoodie/training top (If Scout has one)

Warm clothes – hat, scarf, gloves, fleece.

Adequate rain gear – top and bottoms (It’s Ireland…)

Packed lunch


Click on the following link for directions to the Lough Dan Scout Centre:,-6.1465834/Lough+Dan+Scout+Centre+Oldbridge,+Lough+Dan+Scout+Centre,+Roundwood,+Co.+Wicklow/@53.0620071,-6.2872232,14.75z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4867a34f5b87ed39:0x732578134383943c!2m2!1d-6.276526!2d53.0603629?hl=en

Scouts should contact their Watch Leader with any questions.

Go raibh maith agaibh.