Commando Course 2024

Fódhla News, Group News, Manannán News

The 2024 Commando Course will take place this Saturday, 10th February, in Lough Dan. This is an obstacle course that involves Manannán and Fodhla. Scouts should be down in Lough Dan for 10.30am and the event will finish up around 3pm (some older scouts will be expected to go back to the den afterwards to unload and pack away gear).

Lifts will be organised by each Watch so Scouts should make sure they attend their meetings on Thursday/Friday to learn lift details (contact Watch Leaders if unavailable for meeting).

Scouts should make sure they bring the following gear:

  • Manannán/Fodhla Hoodie and Neckerchief
  • Old clothes to do the commando course- runners, shorts/trousers, t-shirt (these will get very muddy so cheap clothes recommended)
  • Full change of clothes
  • Jacket, Fleece, Hat, Gloves to stay warm
  • Lunch and Water

Fódhla Hostelling Feb 2nd – 4th

Fódhla News, Group News

Fódhla will be doing our first overnight trip to Glendalough on the 2nd of February to the 4th.

The trip will cost €50.

Packing List:

  • Medication if required – MUST be brought to attention of Section Leaders
  • Lunch box and 1L water bottle
  • Neckerchief (Newbies do not need one yet)
  • Hiking boots
  • Rain gear (jacket and leggings)
  • Small rucksack
  • Clothing for 2 night stay
  • Warm clothing (fleece, hat etc.)
  • Penknife
  • Personal 1st Aid Kit
  • Towel
  • Wash bag/toiletries
  • Sun cream
  • Torch (with spare batteries)
  • Mobile phones are NOT PERMITTED and will be confiscated
  • Any electronic items such as iPods, kindles and smart watches will be the Scouts own responsibility. 

Lifts will be needed both the Friday and Sunday. All scouts will meet at the den at 6:00 PM on Friday before leaving for the hostel. Sunday pick up will be at 10:00 AM.

Theses forms need to be filled in for ALL Scouts. Scouts will not be allowed to partake in any activities unless these have been filled in and sent back to the Scout Leaders.

Fodhla Hostelling Nov 17th -19th

Fódhla News

Fodhla Will be hostelling at Beckettsfield Cottage the weekend of November 17th to 19th. This trip will cost €30 per scout.

  • Medication if required – MUST be brought to attention of Section Leaders
  • Lunch box and 1L water bottle
  • Neckerchief
  • Hiking boots
  • Rain gear (jacket and leggings)
  • Small rucksack
  • Sleeping bag
  • Clothing for 2 night stay
  • Warm clothing (fleece, hat etc.)
  • Penknife
  • Personal 1st Aid Kit
  • Towel
  • Wash bag/toiletries
  • Sun cream
  • Torch (with spare batteries)
  • Mobile phones are NOT PERMITTED and will be confiscated
  • Any electronic items such as iPods, kindles and smart watches will be the Scouts own responsibility. 

Lifts will be needed both the Friday and Sunday. All scouts will meet at the den at 6:00 PM on Friday before leaving for the hostel. Sunday pick up will be at 12:00 PM.


The Fodhla Leaders

Summer Camp Pack List 2023 – Lough Gill

Manannán News

Manannán are heading to Lough Gill in Sligo on Sunday the 30th. We are meeting in the den at 0820 that morning. We will be getting back to the den on the afternoon of the 8th of August. At that time, scouts will have to stay to help unload the returning gear off the truck and launch the boats. Please find a packing list below.

How to Pack:
Scouts should have two bags, a large rucksack or sailing bag and a smaller day bag/backpack.
Packed lunch for the first day
General gear:
Sleeping Bag
Ground Mat
Changes of clothes for 10 days (preferably including stuff that can also be worn boating)
Hiking boots
Spare Runners
Rain gear (top and bottom)
Camping bowl, plate, and cutlery.
Tea towels x 2
Water Bottle
Shower Gel
Toothbrush & tooth paste
Warm Gear (hoodies + a hat)
Suncream and aftersun
Bivvy/Survival Bag (can be found in trespass)
Boating Gear:
We would ask that scouts don’t bring wetsuits as they take up a lot of space and are nearly impossible to dry.
Buoyancy Aid
Booties/old runners
Swim shorts
Rash vests/ old tops
A cag