Category Archives: Manannán News

News concerning the Manannán Scout troop

Summer Camp Pack List 2023 – Lough Gill

Manannán News

Manannán are heading to Lough Gill in Sligo on Sunday the 30th. We are meeting in the den at 0820 that morning. We will be getting back to the den on the afternoon of the 8th of August. At that time, scouts will have to stay to help unload the returning gear off the truck and launch the boats. Please find a packing list below.

How to Pack:
Scouts should have two bags, a large rucksack or sailing bag and a smaller day bag/backpack.
Packed lunch for the first day
General gear:
Sleeping Bag
Ground Mat
Changes of clothes for 10 days (preferably including stuff that can also be worn boating)
Hiking boots
Spare Runners
Rain gear (top and bottom)
Camping bowl, plate, and cutlery.
Tea towels x 2
Water Bottle
Shower Gel
Toothbrush & tooth paste
Warm Gear (hoodies + a hat)
Suncream and aftersun
Bivvy/Survival Bag (can be found in trespass)
Boating Gear:
We would ask that scouts don’t bring wetsuits as they take up a lot of space and are nearly impossible to dry.
Buoyancy Aid
Booties/old runners
Swim shorts
Rash vests/ old tops
A cag

Manannán Easter Camp 2023 details

Manannán News

Manannán will be camping in Powerscourt Demesne over Easter weekend, from Friday 7 until Monday 10 April.

Scouts must come down to the Den on the Friday in full uniform, with hiking boots instead of black shoes.


We will be meeting in the Den at 1000hrs on Friday, with lifts leaving for Powerscourt between 1030hrs and 1100hrs once personal gear has been checked and group equipment loaded. We expect to be leaving Powerscourt on Monday April at 1100hrs, and finished putting equipment away in the Den at 1230hrs. Watch Leaders will arrange lifts to and from Powerscourt for their watches.


Click here for directions to the gate into Powerscourt Demesne. From here, you will be directed to the Manannán campsite.

Gear List:

Each Scout must have every item on this list to be permitted to go on this trip; Watch Leaders will be checking gear before departure from the Den on Friday.

Medication if required – MUST be brought to attention of Section Leader

Packed lunch for Friday

Full uniform (excluding black shoes)

Manannán training top (except new members)

Sleeping bag

Ground mat

Small rucksack for hike

Hiking boots

Rain gear (top and bottoms)

Water bottle (min. 1 litre)

Warm clothing (hat, gloves, scarf, fleece)

Adequate clothing for 3 nights (spare trousers, boxers, socks, t-shirts, spare jumper)

Plate, bowl, cup, knife, fork, spoon

Tea towel (for Watch)

Wash gear, towel


Sun cream, insect repellent

No more than €5 spending money

Mobile phones ARE NOT PERMITTED on this trip. Scouts who need to contact home during the trip can do so through the Section Leaders.

Wales Info and pack list

Manannán News

Meeting at 0615 in Dublin port terminal 2 on Saturday and arriving back to T2 at 1800 on Monday. We will be staying in the Anglesey outdoor centre.

Most important: Scouts need to bring some form of photo ID (passport preferred but not mandatory by stenaline). Scouts will also need to have filled in a consent form for the adventure centre, a copy has been emailed around and we will have spare copies to be filled out on Saturday morning.

Scouts need to bring:

Changes of clothes for 2 days

Clothes for water based activities (wetsuits provided if necessary so just swim suit, tshirt and old shoes/booties)


Shower and hygiene gear

Rain gear

Packed Lunch for Saturday


Scouts do not need sleeping bags

Scouts cannot bring pen knives

Any questions please get on to us

Lough Arrow info and pack list

Group News, Manannán News

As you know, our summer camp this year is being held on Lough Arrow in Roscommon/Sligo. We are departing from the den this Friday, meeting at 0900. We will be getting back to the den on Sunday the 24th at around 1600. All scouts attending camp also have to be available this thusday afternoon to help load the truck for camp (time tbd). Please find a gear list below.

How to Pack:
Scouts should have two bags, a large rucksack or sailing bag and a smaller day bag/backpack.
Packed lunch for the first day
General gear:
Sleeping Bag
Ground Mat
Changes of clothes for 10 days (preferably including stuff that can also be worn boating)
Hiking boots
Spare Runners
Rain gear (top and bottom)
Camping bowl, plate, and cutlery.
Tea towels x 2
Water Bottle
Shower Gel
Toothbrush & tooth paste
Warm Gear (hoodies + a hat)
Suncream and aftersun
Bivvy/Survival Bag (can be found in trespass)
Boating Gear:
We would ask that scouts don’t bring wetsuits as they take up a lot of space and are nearly impossible to dry.
Buoyancy Aid
Booties/old runners
Swim shorts
Rash vests/ old tops
A cag

Summer Camp Pack List

Manannán News

How to Pack:

Scouts should have two bags, a large rucksack or sailing bag and a smaller day bag/backpack.

Packed lunch for the first day

General gear:

Sleeping Bag

Ground Mat

Changes of clothes for 10 days (preferably including stuff that can also be worn boating)

Hiking boots

Spare Runners

Rain gear (top and bottom)

Camping bowl, plate, and cutlery.

Tea towels x 2

Water Bottle



Shower Gel

Toothbrush & tooth paste

Warm Gear (hoodies + a hat)

Suncream and aftersun

Bivvy/Survival Bag (can be found in trespass)

Boating Gear:

We would ask that scouts don’t bring wetsuits as they take up a lot of space and are nearly impossible to dry.

Buoyancy Aid

Booties/old runners

Swim shorts

Rash vests/ old tops

A cag