As you know, our summer camp this year is being held on Lough Arrow in Roscommon/Sligo. We are departing from the den this Friday, meeting at 0900. We will be getting back to the den on Sunday the 24th at around 1600. All scouts attending camp also have to be available this thusday afternoon to help load the truck for camp (time tbd). Please find a gear list below.
How to Pack:
Scouts should have two bags, a large rucksack or sailing bag and a smaller day bag/backpack.
Packed lunch for the first day
General gear:
Sleeping Bag
Ground Mat
Changes of clothes for 10 days (preferably including stuff that can also be worn boating)
Hiking boots
Spare Runners
Rain gear (top and bottom)
Camping bowl, plate, and cutlery.
Tea towels x 2
Water Bottle
Shower Gel
Toothbrush & tooth paste
Warm Gear (hoodies + a hat)
Suncream and aftersun
Bivvy/Survival Bag (can be found in trespass)
Boating Gear:
We would ask that scouts don’t bring wetsuits as they take up a lot of space and are nearly impossible to dry.
Buoyancy Aid
Booties/old runners
Swim shorts
Rash vests/ old tops
A cag
Category Archives: Group News
Book of Condolence for Cox’n
Group News
It is with deepest regret that we learned of the passing of Cox’n yesterday morning. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time.
A book of condolence is available at the following link:
Manannán Hike 4/7/2020
Group News, Manannán News

Funding for new engine
Group News
8ú Calafort wish to acknowledge the grant support provided by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council toward the purchase of a new engine for our 1720 vessel.
January Bray to Greystones Hike
Group News
Commando Course: February 8th 2020

This gallery contains 57 photos.
Commando Course 2020
Group News, Manannán News
This year’s commando course will take place in Lough Dan Scout centre on Saturday 8th of February. Lifts to and from the site will be organised by Watch Leaders with scouts aiming to be there by 1015am. Below can be found both a gear list and directions from the den to Lough Dan.
Gear list:
Old clothes – t-shirt, shorts/trousers, shoes (Please note that due to the nature of the commando course these clothes will get quite dirty and muddy)
Bin bag (For wet and muddy gear)
Complete change of clothes (Including underwear, socks, and shoes)
Manannán hoodie/training top (If Scout has one)
Warm clothes – hat, scarf, gloves, fleece.
Adequate rain gear – top and bottoms (It’s Ireland…)
Packed lunch
Click on the following link for directions to the Lough Dan Scout Centre:,-6.1465834/Lough+Dan+Scout+Centre+Oldbridge,+Lough+Dan+Scout+Centre,+Roundwood,+Co.+Wicklow/@53.0620071,-6.2872232,14.75z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4867a34f5b87ed39:0x732578134383943c!2m2!1d-6.276526!2d53.0603629?hl=en
Scouts should contact their Watch Leader with any questions.
Go raibh maith agaibh.
Sciath Dhún Laoghaire: May 2019
1st: Barr Sheoil (Manannán) 2nd: Clé Bord (Fodhla) 3rd: Deas Bord (Manannán)
Commando Course: February 2019

Big Beach Clean: September 2018
Group News, Manannán News
Thank you and well done to all from 8ú Calafort who participated in the Big Beach Clean 2018. As part of a national initiative, the 8ú Calafort team spent half an hour removing litter from the vicinity of Dún Laoghaire Inner Harbour, and collected the following:
94 cigarette butts
79 aluminium cans
74 plastic bags
55 food wrappers
40 plastic bottles
25 paper bags
23 plastic forks/knives/spoons
21 metal bottle caps
20 paper cups/plates
18 glass bottles
17 plastic bottle caps
15 plastic lids
9 plastic cups/plates
5 plastic take-away containers
5 foam cups/plates
4 fishing lines
4 straws/stirrers
2 foam take-away containers
2 ropes
1 fishing buoy
1 fishing net
This substantial amount of waste was all either in the water or in the vicinity of the water, but has now been removed and properly disposed of to prevent it from further damaging our environment.
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