This gallery contains 17 photos.
This gallery contains 8 photos.
This gallery contains 22 photos.
Despite the chilly, damp day, 15 enthusiastic cubs and their leaders set off on the first hike of the new season from Ballinastoe Woods, up over White Hill, in low cloud but in high spirits thanks in part to some lovely snow flurries. Aoife and Juliette even managed to make a small snowball! Everyone enjoyed lunch […]
The entire Eriu troop of 23 cubs headed off to Summer Camp in Lough Dan at the end of May. Friday night was clear and warm, so the cubs played soccer until late followed by a lively campfire with Gary on his guitar and Lucy and Maria on their feadogs, with all the cubs and leaders joining in their favourite campfire songs. Then down to the serious business of toasting marshmallows and making s’mores! An early start on Saturday morning saw the cubs enjoying the obstacle course and the tyre swing before the heavy rain arrived. Sadly too wet to hike so the cubs played some games in the barn before heading back to camp to eat their packed lunches, chat and play Top Trumps. Thankfully the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared and we had time for a short campfire and more s’mores! Sunday started with yummy pancakes and Nutella before the cubs headed off for crate stacking and a swim in the lake` Then sadly it was time to pack up camp and head home until next year.
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