This gallery contains 2 photos.
This gallery contains 2 photos.
Hi Banba,
this year, for the first time, we are allowed join the scouts for the sailing course being run over two weeks, from 6-12th July and 15-19th July at the den. If your cub is aged over 11 1/2 at that stage, please let us know and we can enroll him/her on the course.
BANBA 9-10 March
This year we ran our trip to Glendalough and our investiture a bit earlier than usual as March seemed so full of dates! The hostel was, as usual, a welcome retreat from real life and, following a hike up the Glendasan river walk, the cubs made and served dinner efficiently with the bulk of the organising done by one of the two quartermasters, Pierse( oh, yes…and his Mum. Bernie!!)
The hike in the dark through the graveyard was very well attended with nearly all of our newbies partaking, and the paper airplane competition afterwards ‘hotted up’ especially well thanks to Alva Larsen’s new landing platform of one of the light fittings!!
An early night( ahem..) gave way to an early start the next morning. After breakfast and some housekeeping we were off to Mass in Glendalough Church followed by our investing ceremony held in the visitor’s centre at Glendalough where we mesmerised the staff and other visitors with our beautifully turned out cubs and our sense of pride in the scout flag.
The entire troop, together with parents, siblings, dogs and sticks( very important, you know), marched to the Upper Lake to picnic and party and finally headed home with more great memories of a happy bonding trip with friends.