Wales Info and pack list

Manannán News

Meeting at 0615 in Dublin port terminal 2 on Saturday and arriving back to T2 at 1800 on Monday. We will be staying in the Anglesey outdoor centre.

Most important: Scouts need to bring some form of photo ID (passport preferred but not mandatory by stenaline). Scouts will also need to have filled in a consent form for the adventure centre, a copy has been emailed around and we will have spare copies to be filled out on Saturday morning.

Scouts need to bring:

Changes of clothes for 2 days

Clothes for water based activities (wetsuits provided if necessary so just swim suit, tshirt and old shoes/booties)


Shower and hygiene gear

Rain gear

Packed Lunch for Saturday


Scouts do not need sleeping bags

Scouts cannot bring pen knives

Any questions please get on to us